Who’s in the Zoom? is the name of a series of talks, masterclasses and events organised by #WeShallNotBeRemoved in order to improve access to knowledge, resources, and to celebrate and share the work of amazing d/Deaf & disabled artists.
Who would you like to hear from? What would you like to see? Please let us know if there are any artists or professions you’d like to hear from or about by emailing ellie@weshallnotberemoved.com
Previous events…
Unlimited gave two Q&A sessions around their 2020 funding streams
Arts Council England gave a talk & presentation about their different funding pots, access support and the requirements that had changed due to the pandemic
#WeShallNotBeRemoved & Graeae presents… They’ve Let in John Kelly & Special Guests!
Upcoming events…
Monday 22nd March – Rachel Nwokoro – Time & Details to be announced…
Monday 29th March – Crip Practice & Belonging: Wishes for an Inclusive Recovery by Raquel Meseguer Zafe
Thursday 1st April – Chanje Kunde – Time & Details to be announced…